Parece que pela primeira vez em um jogo de Mega Man teremos um chefe de fase que não será Homem-Alguma-Coisa mas sim uma Mulher!!!
Galaxy Man: level consists of portals that fling Mega Man all around the level, maintaining his momentum with each fling (a lot like Portal, actually), plus enemies that divide into multiple copies of themselves.
Plug Man: home to the required “disappearing block” puzzle
Hornet Man: bees, lots of bees
Jewel Man: there are swings here that you have to move with built-up momentum – we had to try it several times before we could make the jumps
Magma Man: lava and plenty of one-hit-kill beams
Concrete Man: the Guts Man of Mega Man 9
Tornado Man: scourge of the Midwest has one of the hardest levels with tons of mid-air leaps and spinning platforms
Splash Woman: yes, a woman robot master. Level features a hovering bubble puzzle we saw in Mega Man 5. One of the masters designed by Inafune himself.
Fonte: GamesRadar